Scarlet Nexus

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Într-un viitor foarte îndepărtat, în creierul uman a fost descoperit un hormon psionic, care conferă oamenilor puteri extrasenzoriale și schimbă lumea așa cum o știm


În momentul în care omenirea intra în această nouă eră, mutanți dezaxați, cunoscuți sub numele de Alții, au început să coboare din ceruri cu o sete de creiere umane. Foarte rezistenți la metodele convenționale de atac, a fost nevoie de măsuri extreme pentru a lupta împotriva acestei amenințări copleșitoare și pentru a păstra umanitatea.

Cei cu abilități extrasenzoriale acute, cunoscute sub numele de psionică, au fost șansa noastră de a lupta împotriva atacului de sus. Până în ziua de azi, psionicii au fost cercetați pentru talentele lor și recrutați în cadrul Forței de Suprimare a celorlalți (OSF), ultima linie de apărare a umanității.

Preia rolul lui Yuito Sumeragi, un nou recrut al OSF care își propune să devină un psionic de elită precum cel care l-a salvat în copilărie. Înarmat cu un talent în psihokinezie, explorează orașul futurist New Himuka și descoperă misterele unui viitor Brain Punk prins între tehnologie și abilități psihice în SCARLET NEXUS.

Scarlet Nexus Etkinleştirme Talimatları

Scarlet Nexus İncelemeler ve Derecelendirmeler

Review by Oldman1917 [user]
8 aprilie 2022

Now this is my favorite JRPG! Many years later, I felt like a teenager in a cool shonen like Naruto or Bleach. Cool story, good gameplay,Now this is my favorite JRPG! Many years later, I felt like a teenager in a cool shonen like Naruto or Bleach. Cool story, good gameplay, addictive setting. True Playstation plays better.

Review by IamChris8 [user]
19 decembrie 2021

So, nach ca. 3 Monaten habe ich endlich die Storyline von Yuito durch. 3/4 des Spiels habe ich doch sehr genossen. Zum Schluss wurde es sehrSo, nach ca. 3 Monaten habe ich endlich die Storyline von Yuito durch. 3/4 des Spiels habe ich doch sehr genossen. Zum Schluss wurde es sehr sehr zäh. Dennoch gebe ich dem Spiel 8/10 Punkten.Grafik: 7/10Gameplay: 9/10Umfang: 6/10Chars: 7/10Story: 7/10Gamepass: +1, da das Game nach drei Monat nach Release in den GP gekommen ist.Fazit: 8/10 PunkteWer den Titel noch nicht gezockt hat, den GP besitzt und auf japanische RPGs steht, der sollte Scarlet Nexus unbedingt einmal testen.

Review by AxizPowerz [user]
5 noiembrie 2021

Game was just as fun and interesting as the trailers made it out to be. I got it due to its similarities to Astral Chain which I loved and itsGame was just as fun and interesting as the trailers made it out to be. I got it due to its similarities to Astral Chain which I loved and its just as good and better in some ways. This game has some of the best combat I've ever experienced. Its fluid, satisfying, and every new power you unlock changes how you approach every fight. The character designs were great and so were the characters themselves for the most part. Now for the bad. As much as I enjoy the bond episodes the methods of unlocking them feel a bit repetitive and annoying which then detracts from experience of the bond episode. The enemy designs were pretty cool, but most of the enemies are variants of the base version so at times they would feel kinda lame. The side quests (there are around a little over 60 if you do both storylines) are very simple, very mid, and very repetitive. The rewards they offer aren't worth very much and are clearly implemented to take up time. That's the case for most games side quests, but its at its worse in this game and is certainly its biggest shortcoming. Onto the most conflicting part; the story. The story starts off very strong. Starting off setting up the world and the characters and it gets even stronger throughout the rest of the game with the crazy lore details. Unfortunately the last few chapters weren't as enjoyable due to the story getting immensely convoluted. Overall a VERY great hack and slasher with a very solid story with a few very annoying shortcomings that were implemented just to raise play time.

Review by songforyou0313 [user]
6 octombrie 2021

This game is lesser known but surprised me.From the PS5 games I've played, adaptive triggers work best in this one. Combat is so amazing.This game is lesser known but surprised me.From the PS5 games I've played, adaptive triggers work best in this one. Combat is so amazing.However, what happened to the story? I chose Yuito and 50% of the game time I had no idea about the story and why people try to kill me. Really should start with Kasane...

Review by Broyax [user]
3 octombrie 2021

Encore l’un de ces soit-disant jeux de rôle japonais… mais comme chacun le sait, jeu de rôle et japonais, ça fait deux ! ça fait (très)Encore l’un de ces soit-disant jeux de rôle japonais… mais comme chacun le sait, jeu de rôle et japonais, ça fait deux ! ça fait (très) longtemps que c’est comme ça et ce nouvel étron démoulé par Namcon ne va certainement pas changer la donne…C’est comme d’habitude très dirigiste, sans aucun choix significatif et de surcroît, le jeu qui semble de prime abord plus ‘sérieux’ que de coutume s’avère en fait presque aussi niais que les japoniaiseries passées, présentes… ou à venir ! l’univers présenté ici peine à susciter la moindre curiosité ou le moindre intérêt. Le côté ‘anime’ très prononcé ne plaide pas non plus en sa faveur et les graphismes très lisses sont très quelconques.Comme d’habitude (encore !), on ne peut pas sauvegarder manuellement mais uniquement à des points spécifiques dans ce pseudo-monde cyber-esprit-punk de pacotille ; la musique Bontempi est à se pendre (un supplice !) et surtout, le système de combat est complètement con et implique l’usage décérébré de cons-bos à la con comme dans les jeux de baston japonais à la con (pléonasme).On sent également bien vite qu’on va devoir farmer moult de ces combats bidons et désordonnés ad nauseam. Enfin, les menus ressemblent beaucoup à ces daubes de Final Fientasy… (non, ce n’est pas un compliment). Voilà l’état de cette pure connerie de japoniaiserie, une connerie de sous-jeu nulle à chier des briques. Rien de nouveau sous le soleil… levant donc.

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Oyun Bilgileri
Yayın Tarihi 24 iunie 2021
Yayımcı Bandai Namco Studios, Tose, Bandai Namco Entertainment
İçerik Derecelendirmesi T (Teen)
Oyun Modları Tek oyuncu
Oyuncu Perspektifleri Üçüncü kişi
Türler Rol yapma oyunları (RPG), Macera
Temalar Eylem, Fantezi
Platform PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S