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Asemblance tek oyunculu, birinci şahıs psikolojik gerilim filmidir.

Asemblance Etkinleştirme Talimatları

Asemblance İncelemeler ve Derecelendirmeler

Review by TrueAchievements
13 Şubat 2018

Asemblance is the type of game worth rooting for because it dares to try things in its own unique way. Having said that, its execution leaves far too much to be desired. You can't commend the game for being weird, because it's so weird that it fails to connect at all. It's one of the shortest games you can find on the Xbox One, which should not inherently be an issue, but in this case it is. There needed to be a few more breadcrumbs to help players care about the bizarre sequence of events that unfolds over the game's 30 minutes. Lacking all resonance and intrigue in its playthrough, Asemblance is a decent story once you look it up online later, but more of it needed to be expressed in the actual game.

Review by XBLA Fans
5 Şubat 2018

It’s a game that feels very rushed and unexplained. Sure, the concept alone might have made sense in the mind of that of the person who wrote it, but for those of us experiencing it first hand, there isn’t anything exciting or memorable about it. The hour and a half max playtime the game has to offer is a slap in the face when you're presented with the facts that there is just no story or content to offset. For anyone who’s looking for an interesting game to help fill some free time are better off looking at games such as Firewatch or What Remains of Edith Finch, which are more deserving of your time. If you’re an achievement enthusiast, you may be able to justify the $7.99 for the easy completion, though it's probably best to just wait for a sale.

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]
31 Ocak 2018

Game’s that don’t offer much in terms of gameplay and ultimately no risk are loved by some and loathed by others, and I must admit that I canGame’s that don’t offer much in terms of gameplay and ultimately no risk are loved by some and loathed by others, and I must admit that I can understand where both sets of views are coming from. I will say however that if a game has a deep and immersive story then I do kind of forget about the lack of gameplay, and thankfully that’s what Asemblance offers. The story kept me on the edge of my seat throughout and that was mainly down to the mystery it emanates all over. There is also a reason to play again and that’s down to the multiple endings the game has. The different endings involve doing different things to get to the ending and getting to them can be a very enjoyable affair. I will say though that some of the endings don’t answer enough of your burning questions and that can be frustrating, but the developers have said that there will be more chapters to the game so hopefully we get the answers then. Something that really impressed me with this game is that they manage to combine a unique setting with clever ideas superbly well and this creates an experience unlike any other I’ve experienced in a game before, which is awesome. I was however a little disappointed with the game in terms of length and I must admit that I was hoping for a little bit more here. I would have also liked a little more in terms of exploration because there isn’t much you can search and interact with, so things do become linear quite quickly. Without a shadow of a doubt my favourite thing about the game was the presentation. Visually the game can look great at times and they’ve done a great job of capturing a lot of emotions with the art. The sound design has also been designed extremely well and when you combine that with the emotional art then you end up having a very unique and immersive experience. At the end of the day Asemblance is not going to be for everybody and it does have a few niggling problems, but on the whole I found it to be a very enjoyable journey that managed to stir up a number of emotions in me. It’s not the best game I’ve ever played in the genre, but it may have more charm than anything else I’ve played in the genre and I must admit that I’m looking forward to where they take the game next.

Review by Xbox Tavern
30 Ocak 2018

Asemblance does a good job at hooking you during the initial stages of play, yet fails miserably to maintain its creativity. Despite the decent visuals and some interesting moments throughout this confused experience, the game doesn’t quite live up to the quality of other psychological thrillers, such as Layers of Fear. The bottom line here is that if this truly is the beginning of a franchise, the second serving doesn’t have much to live up to. Make of that what you will.

Review by GBG_Jason [user]
30 Ocak 2018

If you are like me, you’ve laid awake at night, replaying events in your head that didn’t turn out the way you hoped. You wish that you couldIf you are like me, you’ve laid awake at night, replaying events in your head that didn’t turn out the way you hoped. You wish that you could take back words that were said, made better decisions when given the opportunity, or just avoided certain situations altogether. What if there was a way to go back and relive those events with the knowledge that you had after the fact? That is the premise of the horror sci-fi thriller Asemblance.You’ll begin the game in a large metal lab, with a single computer console in the room. You are soon greeted by an eerie, unnamed AI who asks you some basic questions and then opens a portal of sorts that transports you to a forest area that works as a basic tutorial, and is the first of a handful of areas you’ll explore. Exploration is easy to do, as the controls are extremely accessible. With run, zoom, and interaction buttons, the tutorial does not require much of your time before you can get into the meat of the game.Each area is highly detailed and well rendered, with some areas almost feeling real. While you will occasionally find some details that look flat and feel mildly out of place, it rarely breaks immersion. Most of the first person horror games that have been released on this console generation would fit the bill, but this title is simply begging to be ported to VR.The gameplay featured in this title is unique, but won’t be for everyone. It is primarily a walking simulator with the player needing to observe or interact with a small number of items in a set order to progress. Upon “completion” you will receive an ending of sorts that will give some insight into the story, but will also have you scratching your head at the same time, and soon you’ll be staring at the main menu again. When you return to the lab, it will seem as if you are starting over, but you will notice on the console that any previously visited locale will still be an option, and things are a bit different.After the requirements for each ending have been achieved, the subsequent playthrough will feature some mild jump scares as well as intended technical glitches to keep the player on edge. While you are never in any true danger, it does constantly feel like the AI, as well as the apparitions you will encounter, is out to get you. Even when things are calm and seem normal, there is a true sense of dread that something below the surface is prepared to strike.Each of these runs or playthroughs will vary on the time they take; my first 2 endings were completed in less than an hour, while the 3rd and 4th took a bit longer due to the difficulty increasing slightly. With a total of 5 endings, this game will likely only offer an hour to two hours of gameplay, depending on the player’s mental fortitude.While this title has been confirmed to be the start of an episodic adventure, Asemblance feels much more like a demo than an episode at its current price point. It looks amazing and features some great ideas, but many players will likely feel shorted due to the lack of content. If the premise interests you, I would recommend taking the plunge, even at full price, if only as an investment to see more of what this title can offer us in the future.

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Oyun Bilgileri
Yayın Tarihi 21 Haziran 2016
Yayımcı Nilo Studios
İçerik Derecelendirmesi T (Teen)
Oyun Modları Tek oyuncu
Oyuncu Perspektifleri Birinci şahıs
Türler Macera, Bağımsız, Simülatör, Bulmaca
Temalar Bilim kurgu, Korku, Gerilim, Gizem
Platform PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch