About Love, Hate and the other ones

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About Love, Hate and the other ones", Love ve Hate adlı iki ana karakterin kontrolünü ele aldığınız akıl almaz bir bulmaca oyunudur


Onları evlerine, sevgili tepelerine geri götürmek için 60 seviye boyunca yönlendirin.


veya Nefret'


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Her şey Sevgi ve Nefretle ilgili


Dürüst olmak gerekirse, her şey "Aşk, Nefret ve Diğerleri Hakkında". Diğerleri, Aşk ve Nefret'in bir anda ortaya çıkan gizemli kırmızı bir düğme tarafından götürüldükleri sevimli tepeye geri dönüş yolculuklarında karşılaştıkları yaratıklardır. Aptal Aşk, parlak kırmızı şeye bastığında Aşk ve Nefret'i tam olarak nereye götürdüğüdür.

Yolculuklarında Love ve Hate'e karanlık mağaralar, yoğun karlı buzlu topraklar, buharlı fabrikalar ve eski kaleler boyunca rehberlik ediyorsunuz. İlerledikçe, Aşk ve Nefret'in hedefleri olan kırmızı düğmeye ulaşmalarına yardımcı olacak daha fazla kişiyle tanışacaksınız. Aşk ve Nefret'e farklı tepkiler verirler, bu yüzden hepsini yeniden düzenleme zorluğu asla eskimez.

About Love, Hate and the other ones Etkinleştirme Talimatları

About Love, Hate and the other ones İncelemeler ve Derecelendirmeler

Review by runner [user]
26 Eylül 2015

Bottom line: About Love, Hate and the other ones started out quiet alright. It later turned into a headache, though. It really isn't a BAD orBottom line: About Love, Hate and the other ones started out quiet alright. It later turned into a headache, though. It really isn't a BAD or HORRIBLE game. It simply stops being fun, way too soon.The game has a simple concept which is easy to grasp, It's basically a puzzle platformer where you have two buddies - Love and Hate, and you have to make one of them push a button. That simple. The way is lined with obstacles, of course, or we'd have no game, right?The trouble is that the game is not done too interestingly, and while being a good port of the mobile game, it really fails to feel "fun" all the way through. I've finished most of the levels but at the very beginning I felt I'm playing it just to finish the game, really.About Love, Hate and the other ones gets too boring, too repetitive, too tedious, and too soon, unfortunately. There are some challanging levels but most are really not (except for the very last 10-15 levels, maybe).Generally, not much was done too keep us entertained and intrigued. Leaving the gameplay aside, the graphics are OK but nothing special, there are barely any sound effects or any effects at all (except for the "I love you, I looooooooove you, I hate you" you'd keep hearing over and over and would probably want to mute eventually). There's no story whatsoever. There's nothing much, in short.This game is pure casual stuff, which is not necessarily bad, but here it simply doesn't work that well.This is not a bad game, not at all, but it really isn't anything too good. It's probably nice to beat a level once in a while, once in a week or so. But for games like this, I'd say to just keep them in the smartphone. Otherwise it gets pretty tiring.

Review by Game Revolution
19 Aralık 2014

So if you can get over a lack of graphical variety and animation and a modicum of brainteasing, you’ll fare well in this cute puzzle adventure.

Oyun Bilgileri
Yayın Tarihi 23 Ekim 2012
Yayımcı Black Pants Game Studio
Oyun Modları Tek oyuncu
Oyuncu Perspektifleri Yandan görünüm
Türler Macera, Bağımsız, Bulmaca
Temalar Fantezi, Komedi
Platform Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS