BE-A Walker


BE-A Walker

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BE-A Walker ist ein Side-Scroller-Walking-Simulator, in dem Sie als Pilot des Kampfmechs BE-A Walker (Biped Enhanced Assault Walker) eine menschliche Kolonie vor den Horden wilder Eingeborener auf dem Planeten Eldorado verteidigen.

BE-A Walker Etkinleştirme Talimatları

BE-A Walker İncelemeler ve Derecelendirmeler

Review by GameCritics
16. Juni 2020

There’s very little to recommend BE-A Walker. The control concept just doesn’t work, and the design of the levels and encounters is abysmal. The core of its problems is due to choosing to focus on a colonial Goliath rather than an aboriginal David, but even on its own terms almost every aspect of BE-A Walker misses the mark.

Oyun Bilgileri
Yayın Tarihi 28. Februar 2020
Yayımcı SONKA
İçerik Derecelendirmesi M (Mature)
Türler Simülatör, Arcade
Temalar Eylem
Platform Nintendo Switch